Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Initial response to Malcolm X and Black Rage Essay Example for Free
Initial response to Malcolm X and Black Rage Essay In the essay, Cornel West tries to explain how Malcolm X’s â€Å"Black Rage†articulation wasnt directed at white americans only, but also to black americans who view their lives and minds through what West describes as â€Å"White lenses†. West also claims that Malcolm X’s idea of â€Å"psychic conversation†would promote blacks to turn that rage to love and appreciation of their own culture and self worth. Another claim West mentions is that the idea of psychic conversation struck fear into black professionals, due to their constant surrounding of white social circles, but at the same time understand the idea precisely for the exact same reason. West compares these kind of individuals to Du Bois’s idea of â€Å"double consciousness†. Blacks living between their own live and whites, never settle in either, yet crave acceptance mainly from whites. ! West also believed that Malcolm X viewed black equality as a farfetched possibility due to the majority of white racists, and black victims of democracy. What interests me the most is that Malcolm X feared cultural hybridity even though he, himself, comes from a hybrid culture. But eventually Malcolm X began to slowly remove that fear after looking into the acceptance of humanity regardless of race, class, or gender in the Islamic regimes of Muslims in the Middle East. In the end of the essay, West thinks that future generations should take Malcolm X’s â€Å"black rage†and â€Å"psychic conversation†as an example of rejection to any sorts of inequality. I strongly agree with West’s idea to follow such examples in order to achieve change in human equality and acceptance.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Selling Products versus Images :: Marketing Advertising Commercials Ads
Products or Images? What are they really selling? If an alien were shown an advertisement and asked to describe what product that particular company were selling, in most cases the alien would not know. The reason that the product itself would be unclear is that it is not actually being shown because the product is not what is most appealing to the consumer. The ideal or image that is most likely projected is the attention grabber. The fantasy that is being put forth by the company is what the consumer is really investing in. People like to buy things that represent what they admire or respect. Products and brands have symbolic meanings and project certain images (Mehta, page 82) in the case of the ENYCE brand of clothing the ad portrays an image of living in an inner city and leading an urban lifestyle. It shows young attractive individuals who appear to be cool, relaxed and enjoying themselves. The men look tough and strong, while the women look stylish and comfortable. The reason that the clothes that are being sold are not simply shown on their own, is because people buy the image they wish to express to others. Individuals prefer products that match their self-concept since these purchases provide a means of self-expression. (Mehta, page 82) If a person wishes to project an image of being cool, tough, confident and relaxed in the city than they could relate to this ENYCE ad and wish to buy the products, regardless to what the product looks like. The person is not, however, investing into the quality of the clothes or the affordability, but the association of being cool or happy. This reason is why companies have turned to using a fantasy or image to sell their products. Value-expressive attributes or image of the product rather than functional attributes and informational claims are often used in advertising. (Mehta, page 81) Products often promote things that are valued by everyone such as happiness, romance, sex and other things that most people desire. Images often vary as product images do, but many of them play on what that target population wants as a whole. Everyone wants to be happy and self confident in everything they do, and this can be seen in ads of every kind.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Mall Assignment Observation Writeup Essay
The store was more male-dominant, though there was females present. Every employee was wearing a blue apple employee shirt. It seems as though that is the only dress code requirement. Clear evidence of emotional work, the employees were all smiling, cheerful, and very welcoming. I observed an employee acknowledging concerns of his customer, and trying his best to change their mood into a positive one. Every employee looks different; signs of individuality apparent. The Work It looks like the employees were having fun. Some were socializing in groups, some where helping customers, and others were doing their own thing but it seemed very relax and fun. I observed their check-in system for technical appointments. Customers walk in and head towards the employee with the green iPad. After checking in with that specific employee, they head back to the genius bar and wait for their name to be called. I also observed an employee selling a mac to a customer. Another employee brought out the mac to the customer during this interaction. I saw employee cleaning the products on the tables with clothes and re-cable wires after customer use. The store was very clean, well-kept, and bright. There was no hiring signs The Store Atmosphere Music was playing, different from the music played in the mall The feel of the store is very communal and social. It felt like a social gathering. The store caters anyone wanting to play with technology, gain technical support for apple products, or buy apple products and apple accessories The products being sold: iMacs, macbooks, iPads, iPhones, apple accessories, speakers, headphones, earphones, computer software, printers, etc. Customer’s demographics vary, all different ages, both male and female, and all different races. This place of business housed all races, ages, and both genders. Customers behaved friendly. Customers and workers interact very friendly and openly. Store: H&M Date of Observation: March 30th, 2015 Time of Observation: 1:45 PM The Workers Observed about 10 people working, 3 cashiers, and 6 employees walking around the store assisting customers. 4 male workers, 6 female workers. Young in age ranging from 18-24, one old worker which I assumed to be the manager. One white female (older worker), and the rest of the workers were of African-American background. There was no uniform, just a name tag. All the workers were their own clothing and had their own style. Most of them where not smiling. No signs of emotional work. Signs of individuality based on no uniform requirement The Work It did not look like the workers were having fun, no emotion on the face. When I went to ring out a piece of clothing, all the worker asked for was my form of payment and said â€Å"have a nice day†. There was no eye-contact or communication. I did not observe much practice except employees walking around fixing messed up clothes and re-arranging articles of clothing on the wall Workers at the cashier communicated amongst themselves. Workers walking around did ask if anyone needed help. Nature of work was clothing retail. The store was clean and well-kept, bright and brightened. There was no hiring signs 40% off discount sign at entrance of store The Store Atmosphere H&M Store The store is divided into two parts with two entrances. One entrance for the male section with male clothing and accessories and one entrance for the female section with male clothing, accessories, and jewelry. The store feels very welcoming as it is very brightened. Hip-hop music was playing in the background Store caters to customers looking to shop for clothing and custom jewelry Sneakers, formal and informal dress attire, custom jewelry, hats, and various articles of clothing are being sold Young (teenagers) customers come into the store both male and female Races vary: Hispanic, Caucasian and African American Customers minded their own business, did not interact with other customers. There was little to no interaction with customers and workers unless a customer needed help At the cashier, workers did not communicate with customers except for asking for form of payment, ID, and wishing them to have a nice day Store: Michael Kors Date of Observation: March 30th, 2015 Time of Observation: 2:30 PM The Work The women did look like they were having fun even though the store was empty and they were just standing around. They were laughing with each other while being attentive to customers Workers helped customers try on watches and sized purchase watches by removing links. It seemed as if the coworkers cultivated friendships by how sociable they were with each other Nature of work is customer service and retail for clothing retail and fine jewelry and accessories The store was very clean, well organized, elegant and vibrant There was no signs of any hiring signs. The Store Atmosphere Michael Kors store The store is very bright and vibrant. Lights shine on the mannequins in the window display. A lot of glass display of watches. The feel of the store is very sheik and classical. There is a feeling of wealth when walking into the store. Everything looks very pricey and exclusive The store caters to anyone who is interested in watches and female clothing. The store predominately caters to women however there is a section for mens watches that caters to strictly men. A lot of young customers came into the store however, there were some old customers too. In regards to race, a lot of customers of Caucasian background came into the store and a few of African American background. Most people who came into the store were women. The products being sold are dresses, boots, purses, totes, watches, wrist jewelry, etc†¦ Customers behaved very friendly, and customers and workers interacted well with each other.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Analysis Of Robert Frosts Mending Wall - 995 Words
Mending Wall†is a poem by the twentieth century American poet Robert Frost. Whenever we learn about poetry in school, Robert Frost has always been one of my favorite poets (along with Charlotte Brontà «). Poems like The Road Not Taken†and Nothing Gold Can Stay†were always my favorites. I remember reading Mending Wall†sometime freshman or sophomore year, and it had intrigued me. We hadnt looked to deep into the poem as much as I would have liked. All of his poems have this sort of vividness, yet simplicity to them. He doesnt try to beat down his audience by making his poems complicated, instead he offers this simplicity that makes you think. Robert Frosts Mending Wall†is a dramatic narrative poem set†¦show more content†¦Rules and laws are walls, and justice is wall-mending. The tradition of maintaining walls highlights human nature. The rights of an individual is asserted through the assertion of others. The act of wall-mending benefits the community. The communal act of wall-mending offers the speaker and his neighbor to interact, therefore maintaining their relationship. While the building of walls and maintaining them may be seen as self-induced confinement, ironically it can be seen as a social gesture. Mending Wall†explores two kinds of barriers - physical and emotional. Subtly, the poem explores the underlying question: Is the speakers attitude towards both of the walls any more enlightened than that of the neighbors? Perhaps the speaker does believe in his neighbors adage of Good fences make good neighbors,†for he is the one who initiates the wall-mending. Frosts blank verse poem follows the tradition of two neighbors as they meet every year to repair the stone wall that separates their properties. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept and is skeptical of this tradition - there are no livestock to be contained, just trees. He does not believe that a wall should exist just for the sake of existing. Moreover, he cannot help but notice that nature seems to also dislike the wall as there are gaps and theShow MoreRelated Analysis of Robert Frosts Mending Wall Essay1173 Words  | 5 PagesRobert Frost’s Mending Wall In his poem Mending Wall, Robert Frost presents to us the thoughts of barriers linking people, communication, friendship and the sense of security people gain from barriers. His messages are conveyed using poetic techniques such as imagery, structure and humor, revealing a complex side of the poem as well as achieving an overall light-hearted effect. Robert Frost has cleverly intertwined both a literal and metaphoric meaning into the poem, using the mending of aRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Robert Frosts Mending Wall1031 Words  | 5 PagesTo build a wall    â€Å"Mending Wall†is a poem written in Robert Frost’s second book of poetry, â€Å"North of Boston†. 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It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion†(Robert Frost Quotes). This same kind of thinking opened the door for metaphorical poetry that helped to show the poets transparency. His love for the social outcast and the struggles of his life are exhibited greatly in his poems. Robert Frost helpedRead MoreStopping By The Woods Essay1012 Words  | 5 Pagesaspects of revelation. Exploration of self and the wider world is a multifaceted component, manipulated to be found in all aspects of life. Composers such as Robert Frost and David Wilkie incorporate these notions into their literary works. Robert Frost dexterously composed the poems Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening and Mending Wall to reflect the ambiguous nature of man’s interpretive expeditions. 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Then note whether the word or phrase has a negative or a positive connotation and the effect Reagan was trying to achieve by using it. Type your response here: Germany in a gash of barbed wire has a negative connotation Concrete has positive
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