Columbia college essay
Essay Writing Grade 4
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Lullabies Review Essay Example
Bedtime songs Review Paper Paper on Lullabies A brilliant assortment of sonnets, bedtime songs from totally various writers. Lermontov, Harms, Kipling, Heine, Vvedensky, Tsvetaeva, Sapgir and numerous others. Just as society children's songs from various nations Presently, when my child grows up step by step to age, it will be conceivable to peruse him sleep time stories - . Not replaceable book. You can understand it: To sleepers not to caution, Try not to panic primolkshih homes, We will compose a custom exposition test on Lullabies Review explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Lullabies Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Lullabies Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Unobtrusively over the sky track Brilliant legs stars . G.Geyne Or then again, was amazed to find that the celebrated lines, about the shrewdness Chechena, blade honing this is from the Cossack children's song Lermontov: on the rocks streaming Terek, sprinkling sloppy shaft; A detestable Chechen creeps shorewards, Honing his knife; Be that as it may, your dad the old warrior, solidified in fight Rest, minimal one, be quiet, Bayushki-bye dazzling Sapgir sonnet Who else is resting: Spit loop Curling, feline. Warms velvet paunch. to emulate him won't, To rest nestled into individuals . Or on the other hand faction Zs - blur zodiac signs (ie, where about plant potatoes =)). At the point when I am perusing, recalling how it to me around evening time told his dad, and lamented that the book did exclude comparable in state of mind and tone of a melody by Mikhail Shcherbakov, in which about a canine that has been suspended Zodiac. Sweetish taste by and large, in fact, a radiant assortment of sonnets to rest, when both the sonnet Rene de Obould: Everything in its bunk do a small. =) Indeed, similar to the most here these two sonnets: Guinea pigs, kids Asked pig mother: its actual, we have the ocean - ? All things considered, said the mother - . Furthermore, what is the ocean - ? For what reason do you have to know: Since we guinea pigs - ? All things considered, said the mother What befalls the ocean - ? It can not see . - ? Is it genuine we ocean All things considered, said the mother - . you ocean, as well ? All things considered, said the mother - . The ocean can dream - ? Truly, the ocean can dream, However, you should rest M.Ivensen, talk before bed Stars s in the sky lit up, The quietness stands all over, What's more, the greenery is on the bed, Rests robin in the home. I bowed to the robin, Unobtrusively addressed her - . The fantasy which you envisioned? I robin inquired - . I woodlands extraordinary dream, I longed for the waterway and the fields, blue mists glided, What's more, the stirring poplar On the high splendid stars sing tunes I, surprised the flying creatures in the homes what's more, heard me. Substantial, took care of, solid, Rests dairy animals in the knoll. That is me see a dairy animals, For her with the subject of departure: What do you dream a fantasy Hello, cow, answer me! Also, she let me know: Do me some help, Disappear and don't trouble me Try not to upset you have cows, . we, cows, rest without dreams The towns feline on the window. murmured in her rest - .. What do you dream, feline Tell me more I Furthermore, she said to the feline: - . Quiet! Quiet say Im in a fantasy envisioned mouse, not one, however three! The night came, the light went out, In the yard to rest chicken. he sat on a roost. Rests chicken and dreaming The stars sparkle, the night quiet awoken I chicken - What I saw you in a fantasy Answer me soon He says chicken - . I dream Forty thousand chickens, Furthermore, Im prepared to battle with them. Cut I have them prepared! Rest dairy animals, feline, winged creature, Rests cockerel. What's more, on the bed Became Lyusha hit the hay. Became eyes closed. The fantasy which had a Lyushe? Maybe the green nursery , Where only one out of every odd branch pears Or on the other hand apples hanging Wind grass stirs, The quiet around costs. calm, individuals, quiet, quiet, Try not to make commotion: Lyusha dozes A.Vvedensky, Dreams (however in the book, a sonnet isn't given in full (without the initial five. quatrains.))
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Label Studio free essay sample
The leaflet quickly plots, a portion of the things that I consider to be central. I would have gotten a kick out of the chance to have really expounded yet the predefined word check made it hard to do as such. Anyway each segment of the pamphlet does guide the peruser to a site where more data on every one of the topics can be acquired. For this piece of the task I expect to compose an evaluative impression of the focuses brought up in the pamphlet and talk about the need, handiness and common sense of them. A portion of the focuses, for instance the business structure and work law segments of the pamphlet have been purposefully forgotten about as they are increasingly broad focuses rather than being explicit to the music business and I additionally felt that there was not a great deal to be examined in these regions with respect to their need, value and reasonableness. I have likewise forgotten about Intellectual Property, as it is such a troublesome thing to keep on, despite the fact that I will say that the reasonableness of implementing it is low. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mark Studio or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page For each segment underneath I have begun with a table that shows the need, handiness and common sense for every one of the focuses I will examine. * Necessity: Is this extremely essential? * helpfulness: How valuable Is this to you as a record name? Common sense: How viable Is this to Implement? Scores extend from 1 to 5 with 1 being the most reduced. For instance: redundant by any stretch of the imagination, not helpful at all or extremely hard to Implement. 5 being the most elevated, for instance: amazingly essential, very helpful or incredibly simple to Implement.Necessity I convenience I Practicality PAT Testing 15 13 15 Fire Signs 15 1 5 Fire Alarm Checked Regularly 15 1 Ere law expresses that on the off chance that you run a little, generally safe business with under 50 workers then you should have in any event one HOSE qualified first eider on location consistently. This is clearly a need just as being extremely valuable in a chronicle studio in view of the high volume of electrical gear that is used.The reasonableness of this didn't score a 5 in the table as a result of the way that recording studios are frequently being used 24 hours per day which implies that you have to have in any event 3 qualified first eiders and one must be there consistently. Versatile apparatus testing (PAT) is a legitimate prerequisite for any organization that has any kind of electrical gear in the working environment (even a pot). Apparatuses ought to be tried by an individual who is able to do as such, no not exactly once a year.This isn't especially valuable to an organization except if someone was to shock oneself, yet it is a need just as being handily executed. In the pamphlet I likewise referenced hazard evaluations. These were just concise and just planned for completing a hazard appraisal in the workplace studio. On the off chance that this were applied to a live show circumstance, at that point there would be significantly more to consider (Information Obtained from Example hazard evaluation for a dance club. (Reference section 1). Tumbles from stature * Slips, excursions and falls * Electricity * Noise * Violence * Glazing and mirrors * Gas Hypodermic needles * Manual taking care of * Transport * CO Leakage * Pyrotechnics * Lasers * Smoke and haze * Hanging wraps inflatables NOISE LEGISLATION I Necessity I Usefulness I Practicality I Safe Noise Levels In A Studio | 5 13 1 2 As referenced in the leaflet, it very well may be harming to the ear to tune in to music for delayed measures of time at a high volume.Therefore it is obviously important to in any event endeavor to hold the music to a protected level. This can be hard to execute for arioso reasons. Some Rock groups may get a kick out of the chance to tune in to there melodies uproarious and as they re paying clients in your studio it is hard to disapprove of them as they would choose to take their custom somewhere else in future. Likewise, drums are uproarious and there isn't a ton that should truly be possible about that and when recording guitars it is in some cases important to drive the amps extremely difficult to accomplish the tone that you are searching for. Obviously live rooms can be sound sealed yet this doesn't help the individual who is in the room being recorded. So in spite of the fact that it is a need and its additionally ere valuable to apply clamor guidelines in a studio, for wellbeing reasons and obviously so s not to disturb the neighbors, now and then it very well may be hard to do as such. The key is to enjoy customary reprieve so as not to drag out the introduction. Dance club fall heavily influenced by clamor at work Regulation (See Appendix 2).Clubs must have limiters on their sound framework to hold them under a specific measure of decibels. This is the duty of the scene and not the coordinator of the occasion, which makes it much increasingly commonsense to actualize. COPYRIGHT I Necessity I Usefulness I Practicality Registering With IMPACTS 15 1 Sample Clearance | 4 15 12 1 It is the record organizations obligation to ensure that musicians (or distributers) get the none that is because of them at whatever point a dup licate of their music is sold. The AMPS Mechanical Copyright Protection Society), is the association that gathers this. In the days when this general public was first shaped, it was alleged in light of the fact that it depended on the mechanical creation of physical item like Cads and vinyl records. For each proposed unit to be fabricated the AMPS would charge a set sum and afterward Issue a permit which would then be introduced to the squeezing plant, permitting them to press the authorized sum. Today, with the appearance of computerized media, things work a tad differently.It could be contended that in light of the fact that there is no mechanical procedure utilized when making a MPH, you ought not need to pay for an AMPS permit, obviously that isnt the case. Most trustworthy advanced download shops, tunes notwithstanding, consequently send installment to the AMPS when a melody is sold, this is distinguished by the tunes ISRC code and the cash is allotted to the planned beneficiary. The figures in the above tabl e are identified with the new framework, as it is much progressively down to earth to actualize now. Likewise it is progressively precise now as the mark just pays for what it has really sold, instead of owe numerous it squeezed, as this could mean the lyricist gets significantly more cash Sample leeway is somewhat of a hazy area, particularly where move music is concerned and there is an idiom that goes on the off chance that you get a hit youll get a writ, implying that in the event that you sell two or three hundred duplicates you will presumably hear nothing, yet on the off chance that you begin selling enormous units, at that point somebody is going to tag along and request their offer, on the off chance that you have wrongfully inspected them.Obviously in the event that you take the satisfactory of an entire melody it is more terrible than taking one bar of a basic drum circle, yet in any case, it is unlawful. The lawful approach is to clear the example by reaching the craftsman, mark and distributer and trusting they will give you consent to utilize it. Be that as it may, the re is obviously going to be an expense. Or on the other hand you could utilize an organization that have practical experience in test leeway like Sample Clearance Services LTD. (http://www. Agreeableness. Mother) Sample-leeway organizations as a rule charge a level rate: for instance, Sample Clearance Services site expresses that their standard expenses for test freedom are IEEE-IEEE per leeway. Remember that one example may require two clearances: en for the sound chronicle and another for the distributing. (Salmon, 2008) So the inquiry is, is there a need to clear examples, and the appropriate response truly is, it depends what it is. On the off chance that it were a drum circle I would state that it is anything but an issue since some place along the line, that drum circle has most likely showed up on an eminence free example CD.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy Essay Example
The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy Paper In this lab, our assignment is to decide how various degrees of temperature influence response rates. A Swedish scientist, named Svante Arrhenius found the connection among temperature and response rate. In discovering this relationship another condition was framed called the Arrhenius Equation: Reaction rate steady k = An e - Ea/RT The factor A speaks to the recurrence of impacts between two atoms in the best possible direction for responses to happen. The estimation of An is controlled by explore and will be diverse for each response. The estimation of the exponential term e - Ea/RT portrays the division of atoms with the base vitality required to respond, R is the gas consistent, 8.314 J/mol-K, T is the temperature in Kelvin and Ea is the initiation vitality. Initiation vitality of a response is the base measure of vitality expected to begin the responses. So as to comprehend and utilize this condition, we should incorporate the Collision Theory. Impact Theory expresses that all together for a response to happen, two particles must crash in the best possible direction and gangs a base measure of vitality to respond. The Arrhenius condition represents the entirety of the necessities of Collision Theory. The Arrhenius condition can be reworked and consolidated to decide the enactment vitality for a response dependent on how the rate consistent changes with temperature: In this lab, we will be figuring the rate constants for every one of the four temperatures. The four temperatures include: 23, 40, 50, and 60 degrees Celsius. After the rate consistent is found for these temperatures, we will utilize the Arrhenius Equation to comprehend for Ea and A by an explanatory methodology. Also we will utilize a graphically way to deal with unravel for these qualities. The worth found for Ea systematically is 9.20 X 104 J/Mol and the incentive for Ea discovered graphically is 8.51 X 10 4 J/Mol. We will compose a custom paper test on The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The contrast between the two is 6873 J/Mol. The estimation of 9.20 X 104 J/Mol was found tentatively, while the estimation of 8.51 X 10 4 J/Mol was found by utilizing exploratory information to locate the best-fit condition for the line. Since this was a best-fit condition done by a PC working with the trial information a distinction is normal. It ought to be noticed that the distinction of the two figures is generally little. End: In this lab, we tentatively tried how response rates change with differing degrees of temperature. We tried this by allotting explicit volumes of reactants, when the last reactant was set in the carafe we began the stopwatch. We had the option to time the response outwardly by the adjustment in shading, when the reactant shading turned clear the response was finished and the stopwatch was halted. We did this multiple times with the variable being the temperature of the water showers that the carafes were in. The primary run was finished with no water shower, hence at room temperature of 23à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C and the other three runs at 40, 50 and 60㠯⠿â ½ C. At the point when we explained for Ea1 the worth was 8.94 X102 KJ/Mol this speaks to the two most reduced temperature and the estimation of Ea2 was 9.45 X 101 KJ/Mol for the two most noteworthy temperatures. Our information bolsters that as temperature expands the rate expanded, this was the valid for every one of the four runs. Similarly as with any investigation there is constantly a room for give and take, for this situation we were not working in a shut domain, and the way that we removed the jar from the water showers before perusing the last temperature happen twice which could conceivable give a blunder. Before doing this lab, I have been told just as have perused that it is an unmistakable comprehension in the logical world that a difference in 10à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C will twofold the pace of a response. We tried this in this lab, and indeed this comprehension has been validated. This test underlined that the Arrhenius condition is a demonstrating amazing asset for anticipating response rates over a wide scope of temperatures. After a last investigation of our information, I feel certain that our examination was a triumph. My comprehension of this idea is more immovably set up than prece ding this investigation. References: Moore, John W., et al. The Chemical World Concepts and Applications. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Company 1994. Silberberg, Martin S., 2000. Science: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. Third Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher, 2000.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Time Of Night - Original Writing - 1512 Words
unbeknownst to most men, it s the time of night when the borders between worlds are conjoined. At this hours, people are usually in deep sleep, and they are dreaming of something that simply cannot be recalled when they wake. It was called the witching hour at a time when people were more connected to spirits because spiritual density is at it s peak. Lux had a dream of a being in space, he had a body made of pure light and he was moving as fast as a shooting star. He saw a chaotic cluster of irregular stars which had an earth like planet but it s size was greater than the sun which was nearby. He also saw an elliptical galaxy with a gray planet that had megalithic structures on the surface which could be seen from even the vast distance he was from. finally, He saw a Planet, that was blue with dry land that is maroon in a galaxy that was the shape of a spiral. After what seemed like an endless journey across space, he reached an intricate gate made of silver and gold. Despite it being hundreds of times the size of Lux s light body, he was able to push it open with ease. He entered a room as brightly lit as a quasar, but in the center was a man-shaped shadow as dark as the deepest pit. It appears to be composed of countless tiny black holes. Paradoxically, The source of the bright room seems to be emitted from this entity. â€Å"Son of the Morning Star, carnation of the northern prince. The convergence will bring the four cardinal planets during the next bloodShow MoreRelatedThe Night Time - Original Writing1705 Words  | 7 PagesI wake up to screams in the night time. Screams I’ve never heard before in times of war. No no. This was much worse. I hear my friend come in my room and wake me up. â€Å"We are under attack. I go outside to see no other than the Trojans themselves attacking us in the ruins of Athens. They had come from Troy. There was havoc as I watch my brothers die by flaming arrows and gruesome impalement. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Hybrid Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution for the Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Free Essay Example, 750 words
Hybrid Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution for the Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Lecturer: Hybrid strategy in ERP involvesa combination of process line, phasing, and parallel implementation; however, the strategies are rarely predicted precisely at the onset of ERP implementation. The hybrid solution at LSSF is essential since it allows the system to change, as people understand the software and as the scope of the enterprise changes. Most implementations of hybrid ERP strategies have their basis on their flexibility that allows adaptation to certain needs of a situation. Through Hybrid strategies, LSSF can specifically alter implementation of the ERP system to meet its needs like the need to fulfill business processes and functions like production, order fulfillment, exception handling, and material management (Compeau & Scott, 2013). The hybrid strategies would have a positive effect on the firm performance only if there are suitable arrangements in the organization to solve ten sion that may arise from the hybrid strategies. Failure to have the suitable arrangements in the organization, then the strategies would negatively affect the organization’s performance. SaaS applications seldom function as stand-alone applications because organizations have SaaS for CRM, SaaS for HR and in-house analytic hardware with most of the information fed to ERP system within an organization’s data center. We will write a custom essay sample on Hybrid Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution for the Lesley Stowe Fine Foods or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, enabled processes allow secure flow of information among these systems (Leon, 2008). Therefore, the ERP system LSSF requires is a hybrid since it is characterized by various information systems for different business functions. The requirements for the ERP system for the business describe a hybrid ERP cloud since resources use many delivery options that link to each other and not all of them are managed by the business. Nevertheless, the applications need to somehow work together in order to provide the organization business value. The vendor of the hybrid ERP software may run the software from the vendor’s data centers or run its offering in public clouds. However, SaaS running in vendor’s data centre is not necessarily stable; moreover, a great software running on unreliable third party is of no use. Hybrid ERP software offer an environment where one or more premise or cloud systems are connected. The clouds in the cloud-based ERP system may be private, public or community clouds. Private cloud is managed by one enterprise for its use while public clouds are available to all users and community cloud is limited to a set of organizations (Kugel, 2014). Within the LSSF enterprise, it seems appropriate to have a hybrid ERP system that supports premise enterprises that are linked to a community cloud, which support the organization’s several enterprises and functions. Any aspect in LSSF business capable of benefiting through mobile deployment like inventory seems to be ideal candidate for cloud deployment in the organization. Through hybrid ERP software, LSSF would enable the enterprise maintain applications in cloud while meeting the local requirements like retaining customer records in their physical jurisdiction. However, one main challenge for the business is the security issues associated with cloud-based system. Nevertheless, to improve business administration in LSSF, a hybrid ERP system that blends cloud application and on-premise application is essential in taking advantage of process flexibility, improved functional fit, as well as low cost arising from the hybrid. Besides, creating hybrid ERP solution offers great risk of fragmenting the enterprise and diluting value where value of aggregated divisions is less compared to the whole. As well, a hybrid solution risks attracting less strategic approach through focusing on rate of impleme ntation instead of long-term provision of value (Greenbaum, 2012). Pure on-premise ERP and the notion information technology is an inside phenomenon needs to diminish with the hybrid ERP solution for the enterprise (Leon, 2008). The need for integration in LSSF calls for automated interaction in every aspect of the business in order to eliminate the need for back-office connectivity. Therefore, a hybrid ERP solution that supports on-demand CRM as well as other SaaS models and co-exists with on-premise software is ideal for LSSF enterprise. However, having cloud-based hybrid ERP solution posses functionality limitations since it does not rely on mature systems like the conventional ERP systems (Greenbaum, 2012). Considering hybrid ERP systems that involve cloud-based solutions as well as those on-premise solutions offers considerable insight into their advantages and drawbacks. The cloud-based hybrid solutions offer cost benefit and can be implemented rapidly however, the main drawbacks in these solutions include security risks and performance that involves communication that relies on connectivity between the client and the cloud service provider. On the other hand, the on-premise and hosted ERP solutions generally outperform the cloud-based hybrid solutions in categories such as performance, integration and customization capabilities as well as security and standards (Duan, Faker, Fesak and Stuart, 2013). References Compeau J. & Scott D. (2013). Lesley Stowe Fine Food: The ERP decision. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. Duan J., Faker P., Fesak A., and Stuart T. (2013) Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud-Based versus Traditional ERP Systems. Retrieved 2 August 2014 from http: //www. academia. edu/2777755/Benefits_and_Drawbacks_of_Cloud-Based_versus_Traditional_ERP_Systems Greenbaum J. (2012). The Rise of the Hybrid Enterprise. Retrieved 2 August 2014 from http: //www. informationweek. com/applications/the-rise-of-the-hybrid-enterprise/d/d-id/1103056? Kugel R. (2014). ERP’s Future is Hybrid Cloud. Retrieved 2 August 2014 from http: //robertkugel. ventanaresearch. com/2014/03/21/erps-future-is-hybrid-cloud/ Leon, A. (2008). Enterprise resource planning. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communication As A Human Race - 2059 Words
At the beginning of my communications class I typed the word communication into google and it came up with this definition â€Å"The imparting or exchanging of information or news.†When I first read that I thought to myself, â€Å"That definition is kind of vague.†Throughout the weeks that I have spent sitting in class, I have come to better understand why that definition is the way it is. There are so many parts to communication that I would have never thought about before. There are so many different aspects to it. There are numerous mediums to express a message through whether it be through the language of one s body, the mouth, a phone, or pen and paper. Not only that but there are numerous aspects to the quality of our communication as†¦show more content†¦These instruments fell under the categories of Listening, Perception of self and Communication, and Nonverbal communication. How listening affects our communication was really interesting to me. It wa s also interesting for me to see how I use listening in my own life. There were so many different things that we learned about in our listening section, but one thing that stuck out to me was hearing vs. listening. Hearing is defined as â€Å" The act of perceiving sound by the ear.†On the other hand listening is a more conscious. Throughout our day we are constantly hearing things. We hear lots of different things such as the chirp of birds, electrical humming in our school building, the chatter of people everywhere. How often to we actually listen to these things though? We go throughout our whole day with all these different noises and we hear them, but we don’t consciously listen to them. The same thing happens in communication. A person can be talking to me but unless I am engaging my brain into the conversation I won’t be listening, regardless of whether I hear them. My father gets very focused into whatever he is doing, and so sometimes my mom will tell him something and a week later it’ll be brought up again and he won’t remember hearing about the event she told him about. My dad heard what she was saying, but because his brain is engaged with the thing that he is doing, and not with the message my mom is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Is the Twentieth Century an American Century free essay sample
A look at whether the 20th century can be tagged an American superior century. This is an argumentative essay that discusses whether or not the twentieth century can be considered as the American Century and if a period of time can be given the title of one single country at all. The Twentieth Century has been quoted by many common people and historians as being the American Century. This though is very arguable and in my opinion cannot be true. No time period can be called the period of a specific country or region since important events that affect the lives of many all over the world and of things to come in the future occur everywhere on Earth. It is true that in the twentieth century, even though the central focus was on many occasions on the United States, important events that affect the world even today occurred in other areas of the world as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Is the Twentieth Century an American Century? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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